South Coast "Pie & Cider" Community Event

This past October, the South Coast Fellows had a wonderful Neighborhood Outreach event. The day began with the possibility of rain and cold weather, but God came through and the event was a huge success with no rain and warm temperatures. We were not sure at first how many people would come out, but we ended up having thirty-five of our neighbors in attendance. Many people in the neighborhood tend to be cautious with people they do not know well, so we consider this to be a great number of attendees!

Our theme for the event was “Pie & Cider” and we had a variety of pies, cakes, cider and hot chocolate.

There was so much food that the South Coast fellows had dessert for weeks! We wanted to provide a fun ,Fall atmosphere for the neighborhood to come out and enjoy. There was also pumpkin painting and a couple games. Neighbors, church members and clergy were present, and we even had some children filter in from the park across the street.

Those who came were so grateful to attend a family event, get dessert, and just come to a place where they were welcome. Though we created a free, “drop-in” type event, people who stayed for an hour or more--neighbors of all ages and all backgrounds. We here on the South Coast believe that people stayed because they could sense that those who put on the event did it with love and compassion. And those traits in the world we live in today are irresistible!

Overall, it was a great event that the South Coast fellows will definitely do again! The Spirit of God was truly present on that day!