
"Lifelong conversion" by Zach Maher

"Lifelong conversion" by Zach Maher

Zach is a Micah Fellow serving at the Harvard Episcopal Chaplaincy

"God uses this ongoing conversion process to make us who we were created to be, one conversion at a time  On an individual level, this can mean many different things – switching from resentment from forgiveness, switching from viewing rivals as competition to companions, owning up to implicit racism and sexism that very few of us avoid internalizing to some degree – and maybe even coming to new understandings of God... "

"I am really here" by Mia Benjamin

Mia is a Micah Fellow serving at Grace Church Medford

"Yes, Jesus comes back. But not permanently, not to fulfill whatever revolutionary dreams the disciples had for him, and not even to erase his death. He comes with a dual purpose. He comes and binds himself to this broken world and its people yet again. He comes and shows us not a way out of grief and disappointment, but a way through..."

"Seeking reconciliation" by Will Harron

"Seeking reconciliation" by Will Harron

Will is a Micah Fellow serving at St. Mary's Dorchester. The following is from a sermon he preached on March 22, 2015.

"Whenever we stand before God and confess our sins - the things that keep us from God's will of Love - whenever we admit our faults of thought, word, and deed, whether out loud, in writing, in the quietness of our heart in prayer - whenever we admit these things, and ask for pardon and the strength to do better, we receive that love. We receive freely and we ought to receive joyfully. Whenever we pray the Our Father, asking to have our trespasses forgiven, we are given the daily bread of forgiveness, that nourishes us to forgive our trespassers, to love them, and to build the Body of Christ with them..."

"Living out the dream" by Paul Daniels

"Living out the dream" by Paul Daniels

Paul is currently a student minister, student, and activist at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa. 

"When I left Morehouse I knew that I wanted to live out the dream of my Morehouse brother Martin Luther King, Jr., that I, too, wanted to march and fight and preach the Good News into life. Life Together helped shape me into someone who can do that in innumerable ways: in the classroom, in the streets, in the pulpit, in those awesome moments with a stranger who gets it, in the silence..."

Living Out True Values: A Sermon by Mia Benjamin

Living Out True Values: A Sermon by Mia Benjamin

Mia is a Micah Fellow serving at Grace Church Medford

There is a step between saying, “I am a Christian,” and doing the real work of acting like a Christian. There is a step between saying, “I will go,” and working hard in your father’s vineyard. I don’t think we should ignore how important and difficult that step can be, and I don’t think that Jesus does either. It takes courage to get yourself to the vineyard. It takes courage to accept the fact that you might mess up once you are there, that you may not reach the standard you set for yourself, that you will be criticized no matter what you do. 

"He Was going on a journey..."

"He Was going on a journey..."

A sermon by Deanna Roberts. Dee is a South Coast fellow serving at Church of the Holy Spirit in Fall River.

A journey. In many ways, my year in the Life Together program has been a journey—an exploration of the self and community. This journey has been intense, rewarding, aggravating at times, but overall worthwhile. I've experienced times this year where I have been pushed to grow and become more aware of my surroundings. There have been moments where I wanted to give up and walk away. There have also been episodes in my life here where I know that, no matter how difficult the journey, there is a call to continue onward.

Where Are They Now? Reflection by Alum Hazel Johnson

Where Are They Now? Reflection by Alum Hazel Johnson

I came to Life Together in 2011 with a desire to find a place where I could be accepted and made to feel strong and bold. Well, all the fear and anxiety about not being accepted flew out the window when I walked in the first day and saw Arrington standing there in a collar! I remember turning to someone and asking, “is that a woman?” I wasn’t confused about her gender; I was shocked to see my first woman priest. Growing up Southern Baptist, the closest I could ever get was being a preacher’s wife, but this opened up a new world. In that moment my world broke open. In that moment I saw possibilities that were at one point just dream.